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Gas exchange systems for
Working principles
Plants take up CO2 from the atmosphere to produce biomass through photosynthesis and transpire water and oxygen. The rate of CO2 uptake is measured as net carbon assimilation (Anet) and transpiration of water (E) can be converted to stomatal conductance (gs). These plant traits can easily be assessed using gas exchange methods that are non-invasive, direct and offer a wide range of possibilities for experiments. We offer both multi-chamber solutions Jyrkki and Jyrkki MAX for laboratory use and single leaf measurement system KaRaL, for intensive high-throughput field trials
Theory and calculations
Water vapour and CO2 exchange patterns of unharmed plants are contiuously measured in the cuvettes. This is done by dividing the air entering each cuvette into two streams - one going directly to analysers and the other passing through the cuvette before leading to the analyser.
Net assimilation rate (Anet ) and transpiration (E) are calculated as follows:
- Anet= air flow rate*(CO2in-CO2out)/leaf area
- E= air flow rate*(H2Oout-H2Oin)/leaf area
- gt=E/(H2Oleaf-H2Oair)
From gt, stomatal conductance (gs) is calculated after considering the values of boundary layer (gbw) and cuticular conductances (gsc)
Increased workflow
Jyrkki and Jyrkki MAX are designed to acquire precise gas exchange data from multiple plant lines in a single experiment in laboratory settings. This is achieved by measuring up to 8 chambers in parallel and without limiting compromises in sampling rate (8 minutes for full cycle). Through carefully designed chambers and innovative plant growing techniques these systems enable measurements of whole plants, further improving the quality of the obtained data.
Experimental versatility
The constructed devices are suitable for observing the physiological status of plants to analyse their responses to changing environmental conditions such as adjustable CO2 concentrations, illumination and humidity, pollutants, hormones etc. Another advantage of the systems is the ability to monitor plants in the long-term, throughout the day or even over consecutive days under strictly controlled conditions with minimal supervision.
A delicate touch
By focusing on whole-plant measurements, these systems can overcome the effects of plant handling, enabling experiments even with the most delicate species and accessions. This is especially relevant for scientific work on Arabidopsis, where phenotypically detrimental mutations inhibit single-leaf measurements, yet which provide the most valuable insight into plant gas exchange mechanisms.