Our Story
Our expertise in constructing devices for plant gas exchange analysis goes back to Space Programs in 1960’s that aimed to develop technologies to utilize satellite images for predicting crop yields. These were followed by developing extremely precise gasometric and spectroscopy-based devices to measure photosynthetic processes. Roughly 15 years ago we focused on developing multi-cuvette whole-plant systems to measure plant gas exchange in various growth conditions.
Kollist T, Moldau H, Rasulov B, Oja V, Rämma H, Hüve K, Jaspers P, Kangasjärvi J, Kollist H. A novel device detects a rapid ozone‐induced transient stomatal closure in intact Arabidopsis and its absence in abi2 mutant. Physiologia Plantarum. 2007 Apr;129(4):796-803.
Vahisalu T, Kollist H, Wang YF, Nishimura N, Chan WY, Valerio G, Lamminmäki A, Brosché M, Moldau H, Desikan R, Schroeder JI. SLAC1 is required for plant guard cell S-type anion channel function in stomatal signalling. Nature. 2008 Mar;452(7186):487-91.
Gonzalez-Guzman M, Pizzio GA, Antoni R, Vera-Sirera F, Merilo E, Bassel GW, Fernández MA, Holdsworth MJ, Perez-Amador MA, Kollist H, Rodriguez PL. Arabidopsis PYR/PYL/RCAR receptors play a major role in quantitative regulation of stomatal aperture and transcriptional response to abscisic acid. The Plant Cell. 2012 Jun 1;24(6):2483-96.
Merilo E, Laanemets K, Hu H, Xue S, Jakobson L, Tulva I, Gonzalez-Guzman M, Rodriguez PL, Schroeder JI, Brosche M, Kollist H. PYR/RCAR receptors contribute to ozone-, reduced air humidity-, darkness-, and CO2-induced stomatal regulation. Plant Physiology. 2013 Jul 1;162(3):1652-68.
Merilo E, Jõesaar I, Brosché M, Kollist H. To open or to close: species‐specific stomatal responses to simultaneously applied opposing environmental factors. New Phytologist. 2014 Apr;202(2):499-508.
Kollist H, Nuhkat M, Roelfsema MR. Closing gaps: linking elements that control stomatal movement. New Phytologist. 2014 Jul;203(1):44-62.
Jakobson L, Vaahtera L, Tõldsepp K, Nuhkat M, Wang C, Wang YS, Hõrak H, Valk E, Pechter P, Sindarovska Y, Tang J. Natural variation in Arabidopsis Cvi-0 accession reveals an important role of MPK12 in guard cell CO2 signaling. PLoS biology. 2016 Dec 6;14(12):e2000322.
Hõrak H, Kollist H, Merilo E. Fern stomatal responses to ABA and CO2 depend on species and growth conditions. Plant Physiology. 2017 Jun 1;174(2):672-9.
Vaidya AS, Peterson FC, Yarmolinsky D, Merilo E, Verstraeten I, Park SY, Elzinga D, Kaundal A, Helander J, Lozano-Juste J, Otani M. A rationally designed agonist defines subfamily IIIA abscisic acid receptors as critical targets for manipulating transpiration. ACS Chemical Biology. 2017 Nov 17;12(11):2842-8.
Merilo E, Yarmolinsky D, Jalakas P, Parik H, Tulva I, Rasulov B, Kilk K, Kollist H. Stomatal VPD response: there is more to the story than ABA. Plant Physiology. 2018 Jan 1;176(1):851-64.
Sierla M, Hõrak H, Overmyer K, Waszczak C, Yarmolinsky D, Maierhofer T, Vainonen JP, Salojärvi J, Denessiouk K, Laanemets K, Tõldsepp K. The receptor-like pseudokinase GHR1 is required for stomatal closure. The Plant Cell. 2018 Nov 1;30(11):2813-37
Sun Y, Harpazi B, Wijerathna-Yapa A, Merilo E, de Vries J, Michaeli D, Gal M, Cuming AC, Kollist H, Mosquna A. A ligand-independent origin of abscisic acid perception. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2019 Dec 3;116(49):24892-9.
Johansson KS, El-Soda M, Pagel E, Meyer RC, Tõldsepp K, Nilsson AK, Brosché M, Kollist H, Uddling J, Andersson MX. Genetic controls of short-and long-term stomatal CO2 responses in Arabidopsis thaliana. Annals of Botany. 2020 Apr 16.