Reinventing gas exchange analysis
Multi-cuvette systems for plant phenotyping
Science with a vision
The essence of gas exchange measurements is to enable characterization of different genetically edited plant lines with the aim to broaden the genetic base of agriculturally important species and design new plant lines that are better adapted to environmental stresses.
Contemporary gas exchange measurements are carried out in single leaves and guard cell signalling is often measured in epidermal peels. We promote gas exchange measurements of whole unscathed plants in well controlled conditions.
Measuring whole plants or attached shoots provides a unified picture where macroscopic processes like transpiration and photosynthesis are brought together with microscopic events in guard cell signalling.
Systems developed by PlantInvent™ allow measurements of several plants in parallel that in effect speeds up the otherwise time- and labour consuming process of plant gas exchange experiments.
Our products
Gas exchange system for smaller plants
Measure the gas exchange of Arabidopsis and other smaller plants with our 8-chamber whole-rosette system
Gas exchange system for larger plants
A relative of the small plant system, but with bigger chambers for measuring larger plants like barley, wheat and tomatoes

““Our systems help to create a more comprehensive understanding of plant physiology through measuring whole-plant gas exchange.”
– Hannes Kollist, Founder of Plant Invent